Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Settling in.

Job hunt: complete. I am currently an employed citizen of New York City! Pay check on the way and with it the dawn of my "real adult life." For memories sake I shall regail you of the last month and how NYC is slowing becoming our new home. 

First step for the makings of a home - putting down mattress. It may be filled with air but we find it sleepable. Attempts were made to add comfort by stacking air mattress upon air mattress...but those suckers are slippery and can topple so although creative, Alan and I had to stop our low budget remake of the princess and the pea. And roll her up and out. 

Step two - the homemade meal. And what you may ask is on the menu? Something exotic!? Something tantalizing to the taste buds and bound to make your mouth water with jealousy!? Or perhaps....

This stuff. Rice and beans. Rice and beans for lunch. Rice and beans for dinner. Eat, sleep, repeat. For 3 weeks my friends. It may leave you gassy but those 99 cent cans of beans are filling and price effective! Not to mention gluten and dairy free! 

Step three - exploring your habitat. Fortunately for us we had a visit from our Minnesota home! The one and only Larry Bach came to visit and with him brought a breath of fresh air and encouragement to find  peace and rest within the busy city. We visited the beautiful St.Thomas cathedral that quickly transported me back to all the moments spent in Europe last year. Such intricate stained glass, incredible architecture and ceilings that seem to extend higher than any ladder could ever reach. But more than all of this is - the beauty of silence. Living with 4 other people, two dogs and thin walls my ears are filled which honks, sirens and voices all day long. But when we stepped inside the cathedral all you could hear was footsteps on a marble floor. It sounds like...serenity. Calm. What an oasis from the grind of life. A church. God's house. Much more than a building or pretty architecture. The Presence of the Prince of Peace. A reminder in a tangible way that through the sirens and honks the Prince of Peace is still there. With me. 

So we've done it! Officially had all our firsts and seconds of home making and it's starting to feel real. But the jobs!! Yes! The jobs. I have the pleasure of spending half my week with some cool people helping the passerbys find treasures that range from antique to last weeks hottest NY fashion. All the while donating the proceeds to juvenile diabetes research. Here's the store front. Creepy Keith the mannequin didn't make this picture, but we're slowly becoming friends.

And the other half of my week? Well hopefully it will be spent with a couple beautiful girls ages 3 and 6 as their nanny. Adventuring, pretending, and eating rice cakes! 

I'll keep ya posted. Alan's recent chalk art decorating our room sums it all up for us this past month. 

It's loud, it's rice and beans, it's early mornings spent with the Prince of Peace, it's our home. And there's no place like it. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Janette,
    I am glad to see you guys made it safe and now settling in to the busy state of life in NY! Yay. It can be scary but oh so very exciting all at the same time. Can you please send me your home address. I would like to be able to bless you guys with some things in the future.
